TIG-MOP – The affordable, reliable and safe answer to your TIG Weld cleaning needs.
Based on over thirty years of experience Tig Mop by CraigTec is the weld cleaner of the future.
As with all CraigTec products we bring you tomorrow’s weld cleaning technology today.
The innovative Tig Mop not only cleans non-ferrous metals but also returns the surface to its original state or better.
Although the primary function of the Tig Mop, is cleaning and passivating of Tig welded areas, restoring the finish to both the weld and material. Tig Mop is also able to remove other stains (tea, wine, etc.) and even polishes stainless steel too.
Here at CraigTec we believe in a Brighter, Greener future for all and our Tig Mop is just another step in the right direction.